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Who We Are

All are Welcome


Welcome to the website of Lutheran Church of the Palms. We are a community of believers in Christ. Our congregation is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. We offer many opportunities to meet our members, make friends, get involved, and deeply enrich your spiritual life.

We are a Welcoming Congregation. All people, regardless of age, color, ethnic origin, marital status, differently abled, sexual orientation, or gender identity are welcome to join us and together we will grow in God's Love.

Lutheran Church of the Palms also operates the Barlow Little Palms Preschool for Children, a daily preschool program for two year old, three year old, and pre-kindergarten students in a Christian environment.


Contact us for more information or to speak with our staff:


Telephone: 727-784-4119


New Member Registration Form click here

Three Crosses at LCOP
Lay Ministries

Worship at LCOP

We offer a traditional liturgical worship service and use the ELW hymnal as the core resource for our liturgies and hymns. We do change liturgies and use other settings from The Litany to settings such as Marty Haugen's "Now the Feast and Celebration" and other alternate liturgical settings to provide variety to enhance the flow of the church year seasons. Word and Music work together to proclaim the gospel each week. Holy Communion is celebrated weekly.

We encourage members to participate fully in our worship services and there are many opportunities to serve:

  • Acolytes

  • Altar Guild

  • Assisting Ministers

  • Building Openers & Closers

  • Cantors

  • Communion Assistants

  • Crucifers

  • Deacons

  • Greeters

  • Readers

  • Offering Counters

  • Transportation

  • Ushers

If you would like to volunteer to assist during the service, please contact the person responsible for scheduling each week or if there is no coordinator information please contact the office.

Church Committees

All members of the congregation are invited to participate in the life of the church through our committees. To join a committee please contact a member of church council to express your interest in serving. Committees thrive when we have new members with new perspectives and ideas to mix with our established programming and experienced members.

Diversity breeds creativity and vision.

  • Worship & Music Committee

  • Technology Committee

  • Education Committee

  • Finance Committee

  • Property Committee

  • Social Concerns Committee

  • Evangelism Committee

  • Stewardship Committee

  • Hospitality Committee

Campus map
Campus Map
Barlow Litle Palms Preschool


Barlow Little Palms


Telephone: 727-784-9700



School Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Welcome to the website of the Barlow Little Palms Preschool, a Christian preschool. Barlow has been part of Lutheran Church of the Palms and the Palm Harbor Community since 1990. We are a State of Florida certified VPK provider. 



The goal of the Barlow Little Palms Preschool for Children is to assist your child in his or her educational, emotional, social, and spiritual growth. We pride ourselves on having a creative, loving, and nurturing environment necessary to make learning experiences positive and successful. Our staff promotes the development of your child's self confidence and self esteem. We encourage each child's natural creativity and love of learning.


Dawnielle Burrow: Director

Zoe Soule: Preschool Teacher (2's)

Amelia Philbin: Preschool Teacher (3's)

Barlow Children

Lutheran Church of the Palms

2250 Nebraska Avenue

Palm Harbor, FL 34683

Telephone: 727-784-4119


Reconciling Works
ELCA Congregation

Member Congregation of the ELCA

Gifted by God we give back with Thanksgiving and Gratitude

Give online
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